English-English Translation

American English is not British English, and I continue to realize this regularly.  Here is a brief guide to the words you'll see most. 


Underwear = Pants (In England you say "trousers" for pants)
Elementary School = School
High School = College
Exit = Way Out
Dish Soap = Washing up liquid
Friends = Mates
Can I help you? (in store) = Are you alright? or, Are you okay?
Thanks = Cheers or thank you
Fix = Sort
Wait in line = Queue up (a line is called a queue)
Cookies = Biscuits
Crackers = Savory Biscuits
Biscuits = Scones
Mashed potatoes = Mash
Sausage = Bangers
Bacon = Rashers
Want = Fancy
Parking Lot = Car Park
Highway = Dual Carriageway
Freeway = Motorway
Trunk (of car) = Boot
Hood (of car) = Bonnet
Purse = Handbag

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